Unflappable, antispasmodic, antiemetic, analgesic expectorant, mucolytic.
Do not use during pregnancy and lactation

Part used:
The leaves
During flowering
Menthol, rosmarinic acid, phenols, menthone, tannins.
Family: Lamiaceae
Botanical name: Mentha Piperita
It is also found as: Mints, odor
Description Features
Mint is a native herb with many varieties that differ mainly in the foliage and the flower. It usually has serrated leaves that range in color from dark green and grey-green to purple.
The flowers are tiny purple, pink and white. It has an upright stem, 30-80cm high.
It is a bee-feeding herb. Properties 228 The sensation of freshness and coolness makes mint stand out in taste.
The essential oil is rich in menthol, which makes it an herb with many uses and applications.
In the digestive system can reduce the symptoms of heartburn, indigestion and relieve intestinal spasms.
Reduces abdominal pain especially in young children. Studies classify it as a natural therapeutic agent for irritable bowel syndrome, as it significantly improves the symptomatology and quality of life of sufferers45.
It fights various types of bacteria and parasites, primarily those of the oral cavity and covers the possible unpleasant odor of the mouth.
It also reduces the feeling of nausea and the tendency to vomit.
It is beneficial in the treatment of colds with strong expectorant mucolytic properties.
It enhances nasal decongestion preventing inflammation from developing.
Additionally, it improves allergic symptoms, such as runny nose, itchy eyes, etc.
Among other things, it increases energy levels, rejuvenating the body and increasing the ability to concentrate.
Studies show potential benefits to the nervous system and classify it as a mild relaxant.
It is used externally as a topical analgesic giving us the sensation of cold by helping to contract the vessels and preventing blood from pooling in the area. It is beneficial in cases of muscle cramps, sprains and general bumps and inflammation.
At aromatherapy, in addition to the above, is used in recipes mainly Cosmetological, to emphasize the floral notes from the other essential oils.
Methods of preparation:
Decoction for colds in boiling water pour a teaspoon of dry herb, drink 2-3 times a day.Decoction for indigestion in boiling water add a teaspoon of dried mint and 1/2 teaspoon of chamomile, drink 1-2 times a day.
Refreshing and refreshing summer decoction with mint and lemon juice.
It is forbidden to people with asthma and pregnant women. In large quantities it causes irritation and reddening of the skin, headache and irritation of the mucous membrane. In young children it may cause throat closure and difficulty breathing.They are forbidden to those doing homeopathic treatment because they inhibit the action of homeopathic medicines.
Some authors have reported that peppermint can cause liver disease (liver disease), while others report that it protects against liver damage caused by heavy metals.
The presentation of herbs is in no way a recipe and is purely informative.
Cultivation Propagation:
Mint is easily acclimatized in gardens and in pots, its cultivation is easy as it grows in all kinds of soils, although it prefers well-drained, fertile, rich in organic matter, clayey and semi-sunny places, the pH should be between 6 and 7.5, it needs moderate watering, but on hot days it needs regular and frequent watering. It is a hardy plant resistant to diseases and low temperatures down to -15°C, although ideally around 17°C.Mentha piperita Mentha piperita is propagated mainly by rhizome division in autumn and spring, but also by cuttings; propagation by seed is not recommended due to its low germination.
It is attacked by aphids, nematodes and fungal diseases from too much humidity, the black spots on the leaves indicate the lack of water.
The distribution of glandular and non-glandular hairs shows great variation in the coverage of the different parts of the plant, not only in terms of the proportion between them but also in the variation between species and even between the two sides of organs such as leaves, bracts, sepals and petals. They may occur on one of the leaves alone or on both, evenly or unevenly.
In Mentha X piperita (common mint), there are great differences in the distribution of the glands and in the areas where the glands are active. These differences are not only concentrated between the apaxial and anaxial surfaces of the leaves but also between the apex and the base of the leaf. There are twice as many glands on the apical surface and more glands at the base and middle of the leaf than at the apex.
Turner, G.W., Gershenzon, J. and Croteau, R.B. (2000).
glandular trichomes on developing leaves of peppermint. Plant Physiol. 124: 655-
Zahaki, Sophia D., (2012) Anatomical and histochemical differences in the leaves of the plant Ballota acetabulosa during the year, PhD thesis, Agricultural University of Athens.
2: (Avancenke: 21/08/20)
3: 21/08/20)
4. https://pubmidrichiatrn riftiew/19507927/ Retrieved 21/08/20)
5. https://pubmitteeblrin milfige4/24100754/ Retrieved: 21/08/20)