It is ideal for women because it contains an estrogen-like ingredient that regulates hormone balance.
In terms of beauty, it reduces wrinkles and treats mature skin. Suitable for hair with dandruff. It also balances hormones and helps with migraines, hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, headaches and dizziness.
Inhaling its aroma has a mucolytic and anti-catarrhal effect, which is why it is recommended in cases of flu, colds, etc. According to research by British scientists from Newcastle and Northumbria universities, it has been shown to enhance memory function and concentration. In addition, it is considered that its aroma stimulates the erotic mood.
Use: In addition to its aroma, sage essential oil can relieve muscle pain, back pain, neck stiffness, cramps and dysmenorrhea by adding 2-3 drops to a massage oil or body lotion.
It is also used in face creams, mainly for oily skin, in order to balance sebum production and act as an astringent. It can be added to shampoo to revive the natural color of the hair, without damaging the hair and burdening the skin with dangerous chemicals.
Sage essential oil is very strong and in large quantities can cause toxicity. With only 2 drops in 100 ml of water, it can be used for gargles and washes, to treat toothache and mouth sores. Do not ingest it.
For tension, stress and nervousness: Add 5 drops of clary sage to the ceramic essential oil dispenser. Add 5 drops of sage to 10ml of almond oil and apply to the back, neck and temples twice a day.
For period pains, premenstrual symptoms or during menopause: Add 5 drops of sage to 10ml of almond oil. Massage the abdomen and waist twice a day.
To stimulate hair: Add 35 drops of sage to 100ml of laurel oil and massage the head.
Caution: Essential oils are never used undiluted because there is a serious risk of burns.
The dosage for dissolving essential oils varies from case to case.
Essential oils and their derivatives should not be used without a doctor's advice in case of: Pregnancy, severe nervous disorders, in infants.